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Lisa Damiani, President of Tola Strategies, has nearly 30 years of executive-level, problem-solving experience in the public and private sector. Her countless advocacy successes on the Federal, state and local level include offensive and defensive legislative victories, regulatory policy changes and multi-million dollar grant awards. An analytical, logical thinker, Lisa brings a common sense voice of reason to any challenge or problem that needs solving. She is a natural leader who values being part of a team.


Tola Strategies is a value-added resource to businesses, non-profits and other organizations. Providing strategic consultative government relations, public affairs, regulatory assistance and business development services. The process: dissect and evaluate the problem, determine strategically the approach and then develop tactics to accomplish the goal. Expertise in healthcare, government and private source funding, biomedical research issues, reimbursement issues, patient advocacy issues, economic development and fundraising. Developing, organizing and managing associations and coalitions to solve problems. Creating alliances, developing business opportunities and conducting PR campaigns.


Many strong and impressive role models have provided motivation for the founder and president of Tola Strategies & Management, LLC. None were more influential than the women in her family who demonstrated hard work, strong values and community service. In today's world, working mothers are the norm, but that was not the case in the mid to late 1900s. This woman-owned business has been inspired by the trailblazers in her life.